Barbara Dziadosz is a freelancing illustrator from Germany. She was born in a little town in northern Poland, where she stills spends most of her summers.
She studied illustration at the HAW Hamburg and specialised in editorial & commercial illustrations & modern illustrated products.
Together with her husband she runs a stationery company named jungwiealt. jungwiealt is a tongue-in-cheek reference to their family name, and also refers to the fun and quirky style in which she illustrates children's related images, as well as images geared more towards adults. Their company creates high quality paper goods and other illustrated lifestyle products made with passion.
She is heavily inspired by vintage illustration and screen printing. By using a limited colour palette, bold shapes and charismatic characters, she creates expressive works.
Selected Clients
Bloom & Wild // Washington Post // Zeit Magazin // Google // Airbnb // Northpark Center // The Telegraph // Monocle // Refinery29 // Carl Hansen & Son // Urban Outfitters // BZgA (Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung) // Neues Handeln // Parfois // Les Echos // Züricher Sonntagszeitung // Deutsche Bahn // Gruner und Jahr // Handelsblatt // Jung von Matt // Jones Knowles Ritchie// Hornet // Princeton Architectural Press // Soho House // The Land of Nod // Bravery Mag // Anorak // Red Cap Cards // Penguin Random House // Fubiz // Brummell // Red magazine // eurowoman // Flow // Slow Emotion // Lunch Lady // frankie Kinderhilfswerk Dritte Welt // MS Dockville // Budni // tekman
photo credit © Eva Häberle